Free Things To Keep Kids Busy

brothersOn Saturday, after youth soccer, lunch and setting up the “Job Jar” with the grand boys (5 & 7) for the week, I watched as the look of terror washed over my daughters face, when she realized that there were 6 more hours until bedtime and they’ve seen every movie … Grandma was going home:)

I remember those days.

It’s the weekend, you’ve worked hard all week and are now faced with fast moving kids and what can feel like endless hours to fill.

So in honor of my daughter, here are some cool places with loads of fun ideas and a ton of FREE STUFF to keep kids busy … after they have done all of their chores for the day🙂

In the spirit of the season … Make Candy Hearts Bingo which gives you a reason to go buy candy hearts …

or print out these FREE photo booth props and take goofy pictures …

and then there’s always baking with kids.

If you haven’t already gone outside, you probably should have done that first.

Even though it seems like you never stop, when you’re with your kids, that’s when you need to the most.  –Mara Lee